Sunday, April 20, 2008

the Sun Run

Today dawned crisp and cool for the Sun Run--but none of the predicted snow or rain! It turned out to be even sunny sometimes. It was a perfect day for running actually. And to think I briefly considered chickening out.

I should remember that it turns out that way often--I enjoy it even if the weather turns dirty--and more than half the time, the weather isn't that much of a problem. This is one to remember.

My training got broken up considerably this year by travel and other ailments, flu mostly, so I wasn't sure just how this 10km run would go. I do have the advantage of having run one of these before--last year--and know that I can indeed rmember how to put one foot in front of the other for a while longer than it feels comfortable. The signposts even tell me how far I've come.

I did keep track of my time, so I had an idea whether I was faster or slower than last year. Things felt a bit slow at first. It was as if my muscles needed to get warmed up; once that happened, I didn't have to walk for 30 seconds to get my calf muscles from feeling so tired. I managed to better last year's time by about 3 minutes.

Dog Lizzie will make sure I don't forget to go running. As if I could forget that I have a big canoe trip coming up.

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