Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Oh, the stuff!

Oh, my the amount of stuff sitting on my office floor!

I can't believe how much stuff I think I'm going to take for a camping trip. My list doesn't include all that much, but when I realize I'm going to have to look decent for the locals, more clothes seem warranted.

And should I take a CD or two? I'm not even sure if our school bus will have a CD player. I'm certainly not counting on a mp3 player system! I know I'm taking a song book, and the lyrics to the voyageur songs we'll be singing. And a journal. And several changes of shoes. Once again, big feet are a liability.

I've been asked to use a new-fangled tiny tent supplied by one of our sponsors, Totem Outfitters, instead of my Cadillac Egyptian cotton one, to save space on our bus... collectively, we have too much stuff too. sigh. But camping trips are always a compromise. How much stuff can I carry? What do I really need?

Now that I'm getting it into the packs, it's looking better. And, I can actually get to my desk and computer without the obstacle course.

oh, the stuff of our lives.

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